Many homeowners opt to install their own gutters in an attempt to save money. While this might be a good idea for some, it can also be a recipe for disaster. Gutter installation and repair is a surprisingly tricky job. There are a number of things you need to know before you start.
The first and most important thing to remember is that no two homes are exactly alike. This means that your gutters and downspouts should be sized to fit your home. If your home is on a slope, you might want to consider installing a gutter that slants slightly from front to back. This will prevent water from collecting on the wrong side of your roof.
When it comes to choosing a gutter, you should consider the material used. There are a variety of materials to choose from, including aluminum, copper and vinyl. The best option will depend on the style of your home, your budget and the climate in your area.
It is also a good idea to research your options. There are many different types of gutters and downspouts, and you might even be surprised by the sheer amount of choices out there. You should also take into consideration the style of your home’s roof. You don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on gutters that will not match the aesthetic of your home.
While it isn’t uncommon to find a DIY version of a complex task, the truth is that you should leave the nitty gritty work to professionals. A professional will have the tools, knowledge and experience needed to get the job done correctly the first time around. In fact, a few simple mistakes might end up costing you more money than you were saving in the first place.
While no gutter will be free of problems, you can minimize the damage with a little planning. The most obvious hazard is the weather. Especially during a storm, the in-ground drainage field can get overwhelmed. Sheet rain and ice are two common culprits. To minimize the effects, add catch basins to your drain system.
As with any project, there is no one size fits all approach. Your choice of gutters should depend on several factors, such as the style of your home, the layout of your roof and the type of rainfall in your area. A professional will make sure to use the right material and installation method for your specific needs. You may even want to consider a sectional gutter instead of a full-scale installation. You will save money on installation and maintenance, and it is likely that your new gutters will last longer.
The most important aspect of any gutter is making sure it is installed in a way that is safe and effective. In addition to the obvious considerations, you should always wear a safety harness and be certain that your ladder is sturdy and in good condition. If you are a novice when it comes to ladders, hire someone to do the job for you.
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