If you have seen your neighbour’s gutter overhang your property, you’ll want to make sure that you act quickly to resolve the issue. This is not a trivial matter and could prove expensive. It’s also a matter of encroachment, and you may be liable for damages.
An overhanging eave is a common feature of many houses. If you’re planning a new home, you may have some decisions to make about how to handle this in relation to your neighbour. In particular, you’ll need to determine whether or not your neighbours have a “overhang easement”. If so, you should be able to use this as a guide to avoid future problems.
There are two basic ways to deal with overhanging gutters. You can either try to resolve the problem by negotiation, or you can take the matter to court. The first option is more likely to work, as long as you don’t get into a nasty dispute with your neighbour.
The second option is much quicker and easier. If your neighbour doesn’t want to take the hint, you can go to court and ask for their permission to remove the gutter. You don’t have to pay them for this though. You can do this in the same way you would for a house sale. It’s important to keep in mind that this isn’t something you can just do without consulting your solicitor. If you decide to do this, make sure that you get a good lawyer who will do the right thing.
One of the most popular methods of dealing with overhanging gutters is to build a wall behind the gutter. This should solve the problem of the rainwater cascading onto the neighbour’s property. Another option is to build back the garage’s walls enough to cover the footings of the guttering. If the problem remains, you can look at replacing the guttering, although this might be more expensive than you were expecting.
Lastly, you might have the chance to take the overhanging eave of your neighbour to court. It might sound like a pain, but it’s a legal requirement if you want to prevent a messy neighbourhood problem from cropping up. If you can’t find your way out of the mess, you might consider selling your house. This might be a better solution.
It’s no secret that building space is at a premium, so you’ll need to be careful about encroaching on your neighbour’s property. This can lead to costly misunderstandings and even legal trouble. If you suspect that your neighbor is encroaching on your property, contact a solicitor who can help. The chances are that the courts will consider your suggestion to be a worthy one.
The fact of the matter is that your neighbour’s gutter overhanging your property is an encroachment. Depending on the circumstances, you might be liable for damage, and you might have to evict the offending tenant. Getting this type of legal advice before hand can save you a lot of time, money, and hassle later on.
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